/ Aug. 2024

Bruno rebrands.

Bruno’s story was first about family and began in a small office in Normandy.

Back in 2012, my wife Marine and my brother Léonard and I founded the agency. I handled the designed, Léonard developed the websites, Marine managed the projects and administration. None of us had formal training in our fields. We were driven by curiosity, we were determined, and we learned on the job, turning our newfound passions into professions, expertise, and experiences. As demand grew and projects multiplied we decided to broaden our skill set. We welcomed new talents, bringing fresh skills.

Over the past 20 years, our expertise has expanded into comprehensive branding. Our mission is simple: we create authentic identities that align with a strategic vision and are optimally deployed in both the real and digital worlds. We are strategists, designers, copywriters, illustrators, developers.

We've collaborated with major companies like Uber, Sanofi, Orange, Sendinblue, Qonto, Engie. We've worked for lifestyle brands, startups, catering services, and Twitch events.

We've opened offices in San Francisco and Paris.

We've created a company culture, with our own rituals.

It was high time for Bruno to rebrand.

Bringing a vision to life

Working as a family is often seen as risky. We've been frequently warned about potential pitfalls. Yet, it's our greatest strength. Transparency, lack of pretense, and direct communication allow us to work efficiently and solve problems quickly. We've long opened our doors to newcomers: everyone can keep their professional and personal lives separate, but we've maintained genuine care, generosity, and openness, all of this regardless of our hierarchical ties.

It’s no coincidence the agency bears the name of Bruno.

Bruno was our grandfather, with Léonard.

A bold and hard-working man who built his businesses from the ground up. Watching him collaborate with our grandmother was our first lesson in successful family partnership. He never waited for others to do what he could do himself, and his high standards never prevented him from being deeply humane. He was both a free and rooted soul. Today we continue to pass on these values and have established our own, forming the foundation that defines us.

Our Values

Ambitious execution

A technically flawless deliverable should be no exception. Our creativity sees to brings you the unexpected.

Promises kept

Everything we promise is well thought out. What we say, we do. What we don't know, we get done (by the best). That is Grandpa's lesson.

Genuine care

Understanding, helping, learning — that is how we view relationships. Everyone gets the same treatment, and we make sure it’s top-notch.

Playful spirit

Just like us, Bruno was a child at heart: curious, filled with wonder, intense. The day we become jaded is the day we step aside.

Provoked luck

Luck is an attitude. We do not wait to get scooped - we try, we learn, we succeed, we start again. In short, we sow and we reap.

Our agency is growing, and so is our identity.
We spent several months defining with the team what remains and what has changed.
We've put it in words and images.

To explore our new site, click here:


/ Barthélémy Chalvet
CEO & Co-Founder @Bruno

You always remember
the first meeting.

Léonard Chalvet
Co-founder & CTO
+33 7 89 28 46 79

24 rue de Le Nostre
76000 Rouen

Barthélémy Chalvet
Co-founder & CEO
+33 6 22 25 78 97

55 rue Legendre
75017 Paris

San Francisco
Paul Mathieu-Collin
Project manager
+33 7 69 55 88 75‬

Wework, 415 Mission St
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

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