/ 09 Aug. 2024

Legal Notice

Legal Information

The site Bruno.co belongs to BRUNO, a limited liability company (SARL) with a share capital of €1,500, registered under the SIREN 88495449600011. The head office is located at 1 rue Nicole Oresme, 76000 Rouen. APE Code: 6201Z. Intra-Community VAT: FR78884954496.

Publication Manager

Barthelemy CHALVET


Design and production:


1 rue Nicole Oresme

76000 Rouen

Data Protection

The personal information collected on this site is processed by BRUNO, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978.

The user acknowledges providing their personal data voluntarily, which may be used by BRUNO, particularly for sending newsletters or other types of communications. They are informed that they have the right to access, delete, and modify this information, which they can exercise by contacting BRUNO at the following email address: contact@callbruno.com.

Cookies may be used on the site Bruno.co to provide personalized information to the user.

Trademarks and Logos

The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are registered by their respective owners. In accordance with French law, any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of these trademarks or logos, alone or integrated with other elements, without the express, prior written permission of the owner, is prohibited and would incur the user's liability under articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Modification of Legal Notice

BRUNO reserves the right to modify the legal notice at any time. The user therefore agrees to consult this page regularly.

Intellectual Property Protection

All texts, photographs, plans, logos, trademarks, and videos appearing on the site Bruno.co are the exclusive property of BRUNO. They may not be reproduced on any medium and for any use without the express, prior permission of the publisher. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the liability of its author. The publisher reserves the right to take any action against a person or entity that has violated this prohibition.

Payment Terms

  • Invoice 1: Deposit of 60% upon signing the quote
  • Invoice 2: Balance of 40% upon validation of the artistic direction, before delivery

The BRUNO agency remains the owner of the source files (Figma, Github, CMS access) until receipt of the final payment.

Late Payment

Law No. 92/1442 of December 31, 1992 obliges us to inform you that non-compliance with payment terms results in late fees in accordance with the terms and at the minimum rate defined by law. "Pursuant to Law No. 2012-387 of March 22, 2012; the flat-rate compensation for recovery costs due to the creditor in case of delay is 40 euros per day".

Intellectual Property

This assignment of rights is granted worldwide, for the entire legal duration of the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights. The communication and use of graphic creations are subject to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any use not provided for in this assignment must be the subject of a new assignment calculated based on the current scales.

Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

This contract is subject to French law. In the event of difficulty regarding the validity, interpretation, performance or termination of this contract, the parties shall endeavor to resolve their dispute amicably. In the event of a persistent disagreement, the Commercial Court of Rouen will be seized by the most diligent party, including in the event of a third-party claim or multiple defendants. In the event of a dispute arising between the parties for which only specialized courts would have jurisdiction, the competent jurisdiction will be that designated for disputes within the jurisdiction of the Rouen Court of Appeal, even in the event of a third-party claim or multiple defendants. This clause will prevail over any conflicting clause and will also apply in summary proceedings.